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a Sponsor

We are absolutely thrilled to be planning the 2024 Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival, 

marking 56 years of one of the longest running community and arts festivals in the country!

Our Festival Team is already busy planning a full traditional Vintage Week of the events including Vintage Sunday Parade, Fireworks Night, the return of the Vintage Market as well as numerous community and visual arts events

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The Festival is generously supported through public grant aid from: the Arts Council of Ireland, Creative Ireland, Offaly County Council, Birr Municipal District and Offaly Local Development Company.


However, in order to facilitate the maximum drawdown of these vital funds, we must demonstrate that our local community is also financially supporting the Midlands biggest festival with their own equally vital annual



The generous investment from sponsors is absolutely essential to our mutual success and

we hope you will once again enthusiastically support the costs of staging this year’s celebrations.

In 2023 there were 8500 attendees at the Vintage Sunday Parade and over the course of the week 20300 people visited individual events. More people come home at Vintage Week than do at Christmas generating a huge economic impact as well as the Festival generating an estimated €200,000 worth of positive public relations and marketing opportunities for the town, regionally and nationally.

Your sponsorship is not just keeping the festival flame alight it is also ensuring that BIRR through its festival activity is marketing itself as an attractive destination to visit, relocate or set up a business in. 

We’re encouraging the town to embrace the traditional Spirit of Vintage once more, with prizes for costumes and shop window displays and we know that Vintage Week 2024 will be a special time of celebration with family, friends, and community.


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  • Your company logo will be given priority placing on the Festival Programme and priority placing on our website (linked to your site)

  • Photo Opportunity at a Festival or Business Premises connected to dedicated event 

  • Promotion of your business through Festival Social

  • Brand A Barrier - Enjoy priority branding of your business at major outdoor Festival events

  • Invitations extended to the Festival Launch*, Parade Grandstand, Exhibition openings 

  • Complimentary tickets offered for a number of limited Festival events

To become a Diamond Sponsor

Please contact us directly to discuss further

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  • Your logo will be listed on the Festival Programme and listed on our website

  • Promotion through Festival Social Media

  • Brand A Barrier - branding of your business at major outdoor Festival events. 

  • Invitations extended to the Festival Launch*, Parade Grandstand, Exhibition openings

  • Complimentary tickets offered for a number of Festival events

To become a Platinum Sponsor

Please contact us directly to discuss further

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  • Your logo will be listed on the Festival Programme

  • Promotion of your business through Festival Social

  • Invitation extended to the Festival Launch* & Exhibition openings

  • Complimentary tickets offered for a number of limited Festival events

This year, our online payment facility will be available again for Gold, Silver & Bronze Sponsors, making it event easier to support the Festival!




  • You will be listed as a Silver Sponsor on the programme 

  • Promotion of your business through Festival Social

  •  You will be invited to the Festival Launch*, a major part of our publicity campaign in the lead-up to the festival

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€100 (minimum)

  • You will be listed as a Bronze Sponsor on the programme

  • You will be invited to the Festival Launch*, a major part of our publicity campaign in the lead-up to the festival

Other info

* All be listed on our website & in our Printed Programme. 

* All will receive a Digital Promo Pack for online promotion 

* Festival Launch - A special Sponsors Reception event during the summer

For queries or call 089 473 5055

Paying by Bank Transfer

  • If you'd prefer to pay by Bank Transfer, please download and complete our Sponsorship Form which includes our Account Details.

  • Physical Forms can be returned to Birr Theatre & Arts Centre.

  • You can also email your completed form to:

Paying by Cheque

  • Please make your cheque payable to Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival

  • It can be returned, along with your completed Sponsorship Form to Birr Theatre & Arts Centre

  • Please email us, to let us know you'll be paying by cheque and will drop it into the theatre:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • X


Co. Offaly,


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©2024 Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival
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